Thursday, 16 July 2015
Reflective Practice - Assignment 2 : Digital Reflection
Reflective Practice - Assignment 2 : Digital Reflection: Digital Literacy Class - Models and methods of reflection Second course session was held at Swansea: Assignment 1 As part of you...
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Digital Reflection
Digital Literacy Class - Models and methods of reflection
Second course session was held at Swansea:
Assignment 1 As part of your learning programme, you are required to reflect on your learning and use your reflections to produce an action plan for improvement. Please use your prior research to provide evidence for: Unit 316
1.3 Identify 2 models and 2 methods of reflective practice.
1.4 Justify the selection of a model of reflective practice for use when delivering digital literacy learning.
1.5 Describe a minimum of 4 components of a digital reflective practice record.
1.5 Describe a minimum of 4 components of a digital reflective practice record.
3.1 Create an on-going digital reflective practice record.
3.5 Develop a personal action plan. Please reference your work to the criteria above. Thank you
Presentations completed individually by each of our table members on Research Models and Methods of Reflective Practice.
Reflective Practice
Firstly I looked at fining a definition that sums this up for myself.
Online Training Community/forums
3.5 Develop a personal action plan
Reflective Practice
Firstly I looked at fining a definition that sums this up for myself.
•Reflective Practice is a method of assessing our own thoughts and actions, for the purpose of personal learning and development
We are able to use reflective practice to help ourselves and others and this is key to help us improve and evaluate.
Reflective Practice – self development
•Looks at our previous/past
•Where we are now
•Where we want to be
When you look at Personal reflection you can look at:
- Self-review
- Self-awareness
- Self-criticism or self-critique
- Self-appraisal
- Self-assessment
- Intra-personal awareness
- Reflective dialogue
- Critical evaluation
- Self-analysis of our thoughts, feelings, actions, performance
Research Two Models and Two Methods of Reflective Practice
•Many models available through research on reflective practice
- I have researched through some management books used for our Management NVQ/ILM qualifications and also used the internet. I have identified two models which I feel are relevant
Model 1 - Kolb
Kolb's reflective model highlights the concept of experiential learning and is centered around the transformation of information into knowledge.
•This takes place after a situation has occurred, and needs a practitioner reflecting on the experience, gaining a general understanding of the concepts encountered during the experience, and then testing these general understandings in a new situation. Learning from experience.
•In this way, the knowledge that is formed from a situation is continuously applied and reapplied, building on an individuals' prior experiences and knowledge. This means improvments can be made.
Model 2 - Methods of Reflective Practice - Gibbs
•Graham Gibbs discussed the use of structured debriefing to facilitate the reflection involved in Kolb's experiential learning cycle. Gibbs presents the stages shown the above diagram.
To expand on the diagram Gibbs looked at:
Discuss your feelings and thoughts about the experience. Consider questions such as: How did you feel at the time? What did you think at the time? What did you think about the session/ IT resource etc afterwards?
For your evaluation, discuss how well you think things went. Perhaps think about: How did you react to the situation, and how did other people react? What was good and what was bad about the experience? If you are writing about a difficult incident, did you feel that the situation was resolved afterwards?
In your analysis, consider what might have helped or hindered the event. You also have the opportunity here to compare your experience with the literature you have read. This section is very important, particularly for higher level writing. Many students receive poor marks for reflective assignments for not bringing the theory and experience together.
In your conclusion, it is important to acknowledge: whether you could have done anything else; what you have learned from the experience; consider whether you could you have responded in a different way. If you are talking about a positive experience…discuss whether you would do the same again to ensure a positive outcome. Also consider if there is anything you could change to improve things even further. If the incident was negative…tell your reader how you could have avoided it happening and also how you could make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Action plan
Action plans sum up anything you need to know and do to improve for next time. Perhaps you feel that you need to learn about something or attend some training. Could you ask your tutor or placement supervisor for some advice? What can you do which means you will be better equipped to cope with a similar event?
Many methods exist in keeping a reflective Practice in your working/training environment these can include:
•Keeping a journal, reflecting in writing, on the various training sessions delivered.
•Mind mapping, this involves the trainer in 'drawing' the ideas surrounding a particular concept or problem in the form of a 'mental map', this allows the trainer to reflect, clarify and reshape their ideas.
•Peer review involves other trainers observing the training and providing their feedback.
•Mentoring involves using another, usually more experienced trainer, to act as an advisor. Identifying a critical friend. This individual is enlisted as a listener and 'sounding board' by the trainer.
•Online training communities. Technology now allows trainers with common interests to share problem-solving techniques and examples of good practice.
Give two methods of reflective practice. From the above list I shall look into the following:
Using a mentor and Online training communities.
I have picked Mentoring as I have just finished my Coaching and Mentoring level 5 ILM and have seen first haand the benifit this can have on individuals wanting to reflect and evaluate.
•Mentoring involves using another, usually more experienced trainer, to act as an advisor. Identifying a critical friend. This individual is enlisted as a listener and 'sounding board' by the trainer.
- Mentoring needs open-mindedness, where the individual actively listens to more than one side and often that person is highly experienced.
- The mentoring makes use of and takes account of facts from a wide source.
- The mentor and mentee gives the situation their full attention and explores possible alternatives, and will acknowledge the possibility of errors even in their own beliefs feeling and ideas
- Is willing to question and challenge.
The above quote sums up Mentoring well. In my previous experience of Mentoring it was used to train up managers of the future by putting the junior managers and trainee managers with an experienced mentor.
It is important to put the right mentor with the right person for it to work well. If you have trust in that individual you are happy to open up about difficult situations, problems and work through to solutions and improve in whatever you do. You need in mentoring to reflect on their own experiences as this can be a great 'tool' to identify any weaknesses and strengths within an individual and the learning which they has taken place. It will be ongoing till they reach where they want to be.
Online Training Community/forums
The second method I have picked is one I have used myself many times and that is and online training community. Technology now allows trainers with common interests to share problem-solving techniques and examples of good practice. You can discuss experiences and put ideas up and people will evaluate these.
This method is becoming more popular with individuals and is world wide. You can get great feedback from industry experts instantly and with no cost.
Online communities can it encourages contribution on an individual level, and helps to build and sustain commitment on a group level. The information also tends to stay online so often can help other individuals in the same situation or problem in the future. I myself are in a number of reflective groups online, including Subject based and Coaching and Mentoring and have found this to be an extremely information and useful tool. It is quick, professional and free so I would recommend this method.
1.4 Justify the selection of a model of reflective practice for use when delivering digital literacy learning.
The model I have chosen to use is Gibbs which follows on from Kolb's earlier model. I find his model easy to follow, understand and I have used this before as part of reflection and evaluation. I feel this model links well to reflective practice as it is tried and tested and works effectively. Many models i have come across over complicate a simple process and then this means it is not taken as it should be and ends up not working.
Gibbs model is structured as a cycle, reflecting ongoing. This model is good to help you reflect everyday due to its simplicity.
Many websites have sample questions that can be used with this model in mind and when i have used it I look at sites such as:
1.5 Describe a minimum of 4 components of a digital reflective practice record.
Digital collaboration/ online communities - This can be a great way in reflecting. I have as part of the Digital Literacy course used hackpad which enabled us as a small group to share ideas and discuss information and get feedback from other group members and our teachers. A useful tool where individuals added information, ideas, and discussed and this all helps with the reflection process.
360 model - 360-degree feedback will include possible direct feedback from a number of people or all people involved in your progress or development. Direct feedback from an employee's subordinates, peers (colleagues), and supervisor(s) or managers, as well as a self-evaluation. It can also include, in some cases, feedback from external sources, such as customers and suppliers or other interested stakeholders. It may be contrasted with "upward feedback," When you get information from all people it helps you to self evaluate from all angles gaining a better understanding.
Smart targets - smart targets will help you to gain a clear plan following evaluation to improve your understanding or performance. You need to make sure any targets set in your development with technology is Specific, Measurable, Realistic and a suitable timescale to be completed. Without this it may be difficult to achieve.
CPD - Any CPD carried out weather it be training courses or self study. It is all vital in understanding yourself and your own progression. Any form of CPD should be evaluated around your digital reflective practice.
Components of digital reflective practice were discussed by Kolb and Gibbs
They both said you should look at:
Then testing the ideas and putting them into practice
Gibbs said you should take into account what happened (description),feelings (how do you think it went, what were you thinking), evaluation(was it good/bad), analysis (what sense can you make of the situation), conclusion (anything else you could have done) and finally to action planning
3.1 Create an on-going digital reflective practice record.
Many methods are available for online digital reflective practice. Some I have looked at are:
The blogger will be used as my ongoing record digital reflective practice record.
3.5 Develop a personal action plan
What I already know
| ||
What do I need to know
| ||
Why do I need to do it(reason)
| ||
What have I covered
| ||
Support needed
| ||
| ||
| ||
What do I want to learn next
( table need edit to make editable image when i fill this in)
What needs to be looked at in a Personal Action Plan are:
What needs to be looked at in a Personal Action Plan are:
What are the strengths and limitations of my current practice?
What am I doing well, need to continue doing well
What do I need to improve/change
What is the best way to move forward
How would I measure success
What does the evidence of improvement/ moving forward look like to me So my Personal action plan will have the following headings:
- What did you already know? I usually stress that you might have become aware through the session of things that you already knew that are useful to what we’ve been working on. In other words the training might have highlighted the transferability of existing knowledge. We use TNA documents to identify this inline with a Personal plan.
- What do I need to know/do? - is this for development of self, others in teaching delivery
- What did you want to learn/know? These were your stated learning outcomes. It also might provide an opportunity to highlight any formal learning outcomes that you set out or just learning by reflection or practice
- Why do i need it? why purpose does it have?
- What have we covered? what have i achieved? I need to think about what has been covered.
- Support needed?
- Timescale - in line with smart
- Benefit - to myself/organisation e.g. Digital Literacy can be passed on to other staff and to learners.
- What do you want to learn next? It is encouraging for me to look at progression to keep me motivated
It is also good to look at long term and short term when planning.
. Encouraging people to think of operationalising learning as learning in itself seems to me to be a useful point to make (draws on kolb and Gibb and other learning theories)Assignment details:
This is an on-going reflective log that will eventually provide evidence for :
Unit 316:
3.2 Evaluate own delivery of digital literacy learning
3.3 Reflect on feedback from others
3.4 Explain improvements from reflective practice that could be used when delivering future digital literacy sessions
Digital Reflection
The session?As part of helping to implement Digital Literacy I thought I would start with an informal session with a group of colleagues who will be involved in delivery of the qualification to try and get feedback on what would be the best way forward. For some of the people I would delivering this session to do not like or enjoy Digital Literacy and have limited knowledge. I wanted an informal session to try and take away some of the fears and worries. I wanted to start with a group of individuals who are not happy with the changes in the Essential Skills standards
Preparation and research? I feel the session was as well prepared as it could be. I work as part of local council and within that environment we have tight restrictions around IT and what web pages we can view and what we are able to do with IT. I just hoped the network would be ok as the day before we had problems. When delivering Digital Literacy it is important to have IT working especially when you are trying to sell it to others.
Who was my target audience?
I delivered the awareness session to some staff who will be delivering this in the future and have some fears due to their own experience with Digital Literacy.
What new teaching methods did I include in this session? Normally when delivering a session I may use YouTube and generally PowerPoint, post it notes for ideas and flip chart paper, however today used Facebook, Twitter, Padlet and hackpad as new teaching tool within this session.
What went well - everyone had a go in completing all activities and interacted well, some relief the Digital Literacy was not just about Social Media e.g. Facebook as this seems to be a common myth within my work place. They all had a go at using a few of the resources I had used in my sessions (once I got them to play and have a go they actually seemed to enjoy the session.
What problems did I encounter? The fear of technology, the worry learners with know more than them, the possibility of having to complete a qualification in Digital Literacy. Problems initially with the connection due to different computers having different access rights however I spoke to IT and quickly gained some power- user rights and this meant the systems ran well and we were able to use Padlet and hackpad. I also showed individuals Twitter and Facebook and tried to explain the positives around social media. I no have these logins for the future to use in training sessions which will means things run more smoothly next time.
What could I do differently? Advance power user rights, think about the groups to make sure I try to get a range of similar levels as some more confident completed the tasks more quickly than others, however by having a mixed group they did seem to learn off each other.
Presentation of the session? Everyone was involved, I feel the session was presented clearly, pacing was good and not rushed which gave individuals the opportunity to have a good try at the activities.
Feedback evaluation from others
General feedback from a simple questionnaire used:What did I learn from the feedback given? I gave out a simple questionnaire following the session to gain some feedback, results above. I also spoke to the group informally although they learnt, they all agreed that with support they felt they could learnt the new skills required. They also found that some of the tools I showed them they could use in their own sessions they deliver in other topics to make classes more interactive and enjoyable. A few individuals were scared by the technology but were willing to give it a try. One suggested I myself deliver all the Essential skills for them which made me smile. Overall the feedback was positive from the group.
What changes would I make next time? I myself identified changed I would make but in the feedback no one mentioned the passwords not working to start and a slight delay while I got new ones. The group were all used to the IT problems we have so not surprised with the delay. One person found it quite difficult so I think in future I will need to think quite carefully about the groups as I would not want to discourage a slower individual though putting them in a faster pace group.
How I felt the session went? Overall I was pleased with the session and the way it went. It is quite difficult when you have people that are really scared of some of this type of technology or are adamant it will not fit into the areas they assess. I had this discussion with a Care and a Catering assessor. From discussion I feel this is down to their own fears rather than the fears of the learners or the potential learning environment. From a catering past I was able to explain how this could be incorporated. with the care assessor I explained how I had been helping a group of pensioners in a complex get online and show them how to use the internet and they were loving it. I explained how computers are now being introduced to care homes for staff and residents and the advantages of this. How residents can keep in touch with family via tools such as Skype. I hope I have at least given them something positive to think about and remove some of the fear and negativity.
Need to work on:
- Positivity around Digital Literacy
- Promote its not just about Social Media
- Give individuals more confidence
- Create hand-outs with a range of suitable resources with simple guides
- Look at IT issues
- Purchase off network resources to enable better delivery
The biggest problem is going to be up skilling staff to the required standards. My initial idea:
1. A general introduction of Digital Literacy
2. A TNA type questionnaire to identify what people know/don't know to be completed by all staff
3. Sessions to help with CPD/ and getting Training Officers to the required standard and introducing of new Digital Literacy standards
4. On-going standardisation meetings following launch of new standards
Below shows a simple plan of how it can be introduced:
Key Actions
Who responsible
By when
Personal Development Plan
From my last blog I started to look at a template for a Digital Literacy Personal Plan. I am now going to continue with this:
1.1 - Describe at least 5 learning technologies, tools and techniques. (At least one of each)
1.2 - Explain how these technologies, tools and techniques might be used to support digital literacy learner needs and preferences
1.3 - Analyse the advantages and disadvantages (at least 2 of each) of the technologies, tools and techniques described above.
Before starting the Digital Literacy course I had previously used a number of digital technologies, tools and techniques. I have started to log these in the following table:
Description of tool
How would I use it to support digital learning
Dragon Speak
You talk in to you microphone and it types up what you are
saying. You also can get a Dragon Mobile
Assistant you can send and receive text messages, post Facebook and Twitter
updates, emails and it has many other features. You can set reminders on it,
make appointments, and search the internet without doing anything other than
using your voice. You can ask it for places to eat or find out about the
weather. It has a voice activated alarm clock. It lets you create documents, teach it new
words and terms, search the internet and email.
Good for word processing, if you are slow at its great.
Great for people with disabilities e.g. dyslexia, sight
problems, some mobility problems.
Allow you to complete a range of digital techniques as
stated in overview.
Takes time to train to your voice
Does make some mistakes
Only works to your voice
Tying up work quickly
Learners with disabilities, can open up the digital world
to them and allow individuals to take part in normal activities such as
online shopping, using social media.
Make learners more independent
More involvement for learners with disabilities.
Website where you can put up all resources VLE. It is also
known as a learning platform designed to provide people from educational
environments with a secure and integrated system to create a learning
You can download the
software onto your own web server and run it.
All resources can be put in one place and can be made to
look nice, free
Can track learners usage and progress ongoing via the
management screen
Pass worded keeping resources safe
Easy to use and lots of types of resources can be
Enables uploading of video, interactive resources to play
and be displayed from one platform.
Has a chat facility within main screen and in individual
Learners can upload relevant links and resources if
permissions allow.
Managing it all
Keeping it structured and organised
Getting people to update information ongoing so nothing
out of date is displayed.
Keeping only live learners in it and remembering to remove
All resources can be placed on it, can be split into
topics and levels.
Used to display interactive activities
Suits Work based learning environment as you can issue a
username and password and allow learner to self-study which can help to make
up learning hours expected by funding organisations.
Allows collaborative learning.
Animated presentations/slide shows
Free version gives you up to 5 minutes of moving video.
Fun creations, quite easy to pick up.
Quick & easy to use, nice templates for presentations.
A great introduction into Animated work.
You can use your own voice and set to moving characters
and back grounds.
What you get for free- only five minutes of video
Does not allow you to share freely.
Limited with
templates and images.
Doesn't work in Internet Explorer,
Subscription needed for full access
The free version enabled me to create a very basic
animated slide show
Fun for younger learners to make a creative presentation
for themselves.
Shy learners you use this to speak for them in a group
Present in a fun way.
A mobile app that lets you create an avatar and record
your own message or use in app voice. Choose background. Share on Facebook,
Twitter or text and email
You can also use your own photos as back grounds
Fun creations, quite easy to pick up.
Really easy to use to create a quick audio design of
avatar can engage students more readily.
It’s free.
Simple to use.
Upload your own image as back ground.
Remember to SAVE your gami ongoing or you can lose your
Its short in length:
30 seconds on free version
90 seconds available on paid version
Basic and not much you can change with it.
A great and simple introduction to animation. Could be
used to show how to share on social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
Great to use for visual learners
Could be used to introduce a new word or topic and get the
class to show others findings
Could be used where learners may not wish to be video they
can create a virtual character with a
voice instead
Create an online pin board and pin images under a category
- which you find online or via other Pinterest users. You can find topics of
interest and get everything relating to that.
To me it’s like a modern day scrap book
Promotes mind mapping and creative imagery.
Interesting way to explore the Web visually based on
It lets you save or
share images easily and it is free.
Limited information to set up
Easy to use and great help videos to help you understand
what to do and how best to use it.
Difficult to navigate at times.
Limited as it
focuses on the visual images rather than a wide range of media.
Not able to source information and everyone seems to share
Difficult to know what is authentic and what is real.
Visual learners, learners with low level literacy,
learners with Dyslexia
Could be used when completing project work
Great for finding out activities
Engage learners++
Google Community
Enables you to set up a group around work/ hobbies and
Posts can be private or public
Settings for you to accept members or let anyone join
Allows you to share page
You can add text, photos, links, videos, events and polls
Turn on notifications (It lets you know if someone has
Search box for ease of finding what you want.
Allows hangouts/chatroom/video chat
Allows you to post by topic vis collections tab
Allows you to place things as public and people can just
follow this.
Good start up guides.
When setting up allows you to add pictures and text to
main page.
Available on mobile, computer, android and iphone.
Its free.
Only open to google account users.
Has to be closely moderated/can only see option for one moderator.
No way of really checking potential members.
Easy to post things publicly by mistake.
Set template.
Google controls and accesses the information.
Identity of individuals using it or even setting it up.
How safe is it?
An excellent tool to organise and use collaboration within
the classroom than can be moderated by the teacher.
Encourages shy people to communicate more as not face to
Can link people up with hobbies and interests.
Can be used as an engagement tool.
It doesn't matter in learning if are using traditional methods or digital technologies you still have to be considerate to individual learning styles and preferred learning methods as well as disabilities. When using digital technologies , tools and techniques it is important to remember than not all methods will suit every individual so its important to try a range to find out what works and what doesn't.
The range I looked at in the above table over the past four weeks have their strengths and weaknesses and it is important to bare these in mind when creating a new lesson.
When using technology I feel this should be an enhancement to a lesson and not just put in to tick a box. It needs to have a purpose or what's the point.
From experience I have found no group of learners are ever the same so it can make using digital technology in a classroom often a challenge but also an exciting experience As I previously mentioned consideration is needed to all learners individual learning style (usually taken from TNA and initial assessment), all our learners take a basic skills assessment which may identify literacy and numeracy skills.
Using digital technology in the environment I work in needs a lot of planning as all has to be tested prior to sessions to check IT facilities and system settings and this in itself can be challenging.
This is going to be a very different way of working within my place of work but progress is being made. We are moving away from PowerPoint lessons/ DVDs/ posits/ flip chats to more digital technology within our classrooms and as an organisation just ordered our first batch of tablets.
These tools will hopefully help us to engage better with our learners and enable us to complete the new qualifications with our learners.
This new technology is however changing so quickly we will have to try and keep up to date but it is becoming more affordable making this possible. Lots of technology seems to be very quickly disposable.
Many tools are available as shown in the table above and different ones are suitable to different learner needs. This has been discussed in the table and example would be Dragon Speak being used by someone with dyslexia to make them an independent learner. A sky learner who does not like public speaking could use Powtoon where they use their own voice but it would suit them better.
Many different techniques can be used when teaching digital literacy, it becomes easy to complete collaborative learning via tools such as hack pad or Google community. ,Your can set group tasks to be completed as homework and they can work easily together without the need to meet up. You can also clearly see who did what work on assignments and group work.
Lessons can become much more enjoyable, interactive and fun using digital technology. Teachers can use virtual learning environments (VLE)such as moodle or the one we are currently using for our own course Edmodo which means the group can ask questions, add ideas and links etc. It make the experience more interactive and you feel you are not on your own which you can feel when completing some online learning.
The range I looked at in the above table over the past four weeks have their strengths and weaknesses and it is important to bare these in mind when creating a new lesson.
When using technology I feel this should be an enhancement to a lesson and not just put in to tick a box. It needs to have a purpose or what's the point.
From experience I have found no group of learners are ever the same so it can make using digital technology in a classroom often a challenge but also an exciting experience As I previously mentioned consideration is needed to all learners individual learning style (usually taken from TNA and initial assessment), all our learners take a basic skills assessment which may identify literacy and numeracy skills.
Using digital technology in the environment I work in needs a lot of planning as all has to be tested prior to sessions to check IT facilities and system settings and this in itself can be challenging.
This is going to be a very different way of working within my place of work but progress is being made. We are moving away from PowerPoint lessons/ DVDs/ posits/ flip chats to more digital technology within our classrooms and as an organisation just ordered our first batch of tablets.
These tools will hopefully help us to engage better with our learners and enable us to complete the new qualifications with our learners.
This new technology is however changing so quickly we will have to try and keep up to date but it is becoming more affordable making this possible. Lots of technology seems to be very quickly disposable.
Many tools are available as shown in the table above and different ones are suitable to different learner needs. This has been discussed in the table and example would be Dragon Speak being used by someone with dyslexia to make them an independent learner. A sky learner who does not like public speaking could use Powtoon where they use their own voice but it would suit them better.
Many different techniques can be used when teaching digital literacy, it becomes easy to complete collaborative learning via tools such as hack pad or Google community. ,Your can set group tasks to be completed as homework and they can work easily together without the need to meet up. You can also clearly see who did what work on assignments and group work.
Lessons can become much more enjoyable, interactive and fun using digital technology. Teachers can use virtual learning environments (VLE)such as moodle or the one we are currently using for our own course Edmodo which means the group can ask questions, add ideas and links etc. It make the experience more interactive and you feel you are not on your own which you can feel when completing some online learning.
log continued - 25th June - 23rd July
I attended a
digital literacy session on 25th June and found this extremely interesting
as this was the first session where we had far more hands on interaction. What
I enjoyed most is that we were all given a task of researching and presenting
on a Digital literacy tool /app and mine was Google community.
I looked at
the advantages and disadvantages of it and I have placed these in the following
table. This exercise was useful and it helped to get an overview of many
different apps and features available that could help when embedding digital
literacy into the classroom or peoples lives.
We also
completed group activities which was interesting as we had the opportunity to
talk to others attending the course
about experiences in using different equipment, apps etc. and also around the
new Essential Skills qualification and how people were looking to get this
embedded within their own organisations. We could discuss concerns as well as
positive ideas. The biggest concern is how quickly this was going to be
integrated within education and training and the up-skilling of staff members
within different organisation.
Google Community
Set up groups on anything/ hobbies and
Only open to google users
Set posts of groups to private or public
Has to be closely moderated/ can only see
option for one moderator
Settings for you to accept members or let
anyone join
No way of checking potential members
Allows you to share page
Easy to post things publically by mistake
You can add text, photos, links, videos,
events and polls
Set template
Turn on notifications (it lets you know
if someone has posted)
Google controls and accesses the
Search box for ease of finding
Identify of individuals using it or even
setting it up
Allows hangouts/chartroom/video
How safe is it?
Allows you to post by topic via collections
Allows you to place some things as public
and people can follow just this
Good start up guides
When setting up allows you to add
pictures and text to main page
Available on mobile, computers, android,
During our
session we looked at the SAMR model (available to view on the following link ).. Putting the model into my terms I feel it
helps with reflection on how you can integrate technology into the classroom.
It works like a ladder, working your way up the better digital literacy is
incorporated. You work your way up teaching above a certain line/run of the
SAMR means:
S =
Substitution and this means just swapping something with IT e.g. hand writing
to a word processed document.
Augmentation which is substitution but with some improvement.
M =
Modification. You modify or redesign a task to improve
R = Redefine
so new tasks making something more interesting
and purposeful, not just doing it to include digital literacy but doing
something for point and benefit.
When looking
at planning a lesson this model makes you think about what can you gain and how
does it improve it. It is all about asking the right questions
critical thinking, collaboration, communication).
I think back
to my first digital literacy class where we had to find basic items around the
room to complete a task. Our group had the task of working out how to measuring
distances to and from places. We used
maps/ string etc. and this task took 40 minutes to complete using non IT
sources. Then given the use of IT we were able to go onto route planning sites
and complete the task in a few minutes. This is an example of purposeful IT
I completed
first assignment using emaze for the month. I started to complete it using
Prezzi however I found this didn’t present things in the way I wanted it. I
also found it quite fiddly and time consuming.
I looked at
Emaze and found it looked well to present and did more of what I wanted it to.
It allowed more text per page and had excellent templates which were fun.
introduction to the site said:


templates were varied and different ones to suit different styles of
presentation delivery. I found this easy to use and the free version did
everything I wanted it to do and more.
My old
Blackberry phone has finally given up the ghost so I have now following lots of
research upgraded to a new Samsung A5 phone. It was a difficult decision and I
was torn between an IPhone 6 and the Samsung, however I completed a comparison
of the two and found what these phones did was very similar. I didn’t like the
Apple and being solely fixed to the apple products also the huge price tag
is important to be purposeful and also interesting to the individual to become
engaged. Today I was taken out in a work colleagues Nisan Juke Nismo (RS) car
and was amazed at the technology used again for purposefully. The vehicle had
Keyless technology, full video parking. Technology such as this helps make life
easier, help make driving safer and hopefully reduces the potential for
accidents. We now have an expectation when we buy new products to have technology
and this is changing and improving all the time.
I have had a
look into some new vehicle technology and found the following which shows what
is being put in place and how things are moving forward.
Many young people may find technology in things such as
vehicles a good way to engage. Often they have computerised systems which link up
to computers and laptops to complete up dates. Many also link up to technology
phones which encourage interest in many different devises.
Had a difficult day today in my work with technology letting
us down. The test systems would not run a couple of tests and I was unable to
work out why, I tried all the usual changing of the settings however ended up ringing the IT support of the awarding body and it turned out to be a problem at their end. Information was not passed through correctly to our testing system but it all ended up fine and just a little late starting all of the exams off. I love the Digital world when it works but it can become quite stressful when it doesn't.
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